Christmas Bokeh portraits. A how to!

I thought I would just write a quick little explanation of how I do Christmas bokeh images. Ive had a few messages and emails since I posted my latest attempts this weekend so here I Ill just have a go and try and explain it.


ISO 250,
ss 1/200

I was using my SB600 on camera Bouncing off the window to my left.

Okay so In camera Raw select the image and I do Basic adjustmunts. I increased the exposure slightly and fixed white balance. I always Increase Clarity and vibrance about 30 as well. Im not worried about the red blown areas. I want them to be bright!

 After I opened the image in Photoshop the first thing I did was duplicate the layer. Then I used the paint brush and eye dropper tool to blend the back drop to the floor. I also painted over any wires that were visible.I merge them together. Duplicate layer again set to screen and decrease opacity till about 40%

 Merged them together. Duplicated layer again and cloned in the lights into the blank areas. Merge.

Duplicated layer again, set to soft light, decreased to about 55% and merge again! 

If you prefer clean simple edits you could call it good here and be done or do whatever YOU normally do to your images.

 I however have a little obsession with textures so I added 3 of my favorite here from Jessica Drossin. So I placed my textures and set them to overlay and adjusted opacity till I liked what I saw! Then I erased the textures off of the dog, if this was a person I would of erased off of the skin. Merge again.

My favorite action in the whole world is Just Love by the wonderful Sarah Cornish at My four hens photography. I use it on 99.9% of my images. So I ran it here and adjusted the light layers inside and then set it to 40%. I flattened and that was it.
 Heres the before and after.

I hope that helps somebody!

This was done exactly the same way but with my basic retouching for skin/eyes

5 people like this...:

Cristy Cross said...

Great instructions :) So cute of your doggie and kiddo :)

Cassandra said...

wow what a great how to!! I love christmas and all the sparkly lights! Your subjects are gorgeous as well!!!! :)

Unknown said...

WOW! Thanks for the great info. Your pics are fab.

Jamie said...


Christy said...

Beautiful! love the textures. Came over from CMs. Thanks so much for the tutorial!

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